Man Uses Drone To Take His Dog For A Walk During Coronavirus Lockdown
With the world’s governments urging people to stay in their homes and drastically reduce their contact with other people, it can be difficult to carry out some of the tasks most of us have taken for granted. But Vakis Demetriou, from Cyprus, has found a ingenious way around the problem of trying to walk his dog while self-isolating.
Rather than risking his and other people’s health, Mr Demetriou tied his pooch’s lead to a drone and sent them on their way.
In a video posted to his Facebook page, his fluffy white dog can be seen being led down a deserted street, with the drone flying overhead, keeping an eye on things.
The camera then pans around, showing Mr Demetriou stood on his porch, operating the makeshift dog walker.
He posted the video with the caption: “5th day quarantine. Stay home safe but don’t forget your dog’s happiness.”
Now, while I personally hope we don’t see the sky flooded with drones, it’s pretty brilliant idea, I think you’ll agree.
And it comes just a day after Prime Minister Boris Johnson told all bars and restaurants to close ‘as soon as they reasonably can’.

In his daily coronavirus briefing, he said: “We are telling cafes, pubs, bars and restaurants to close tonight as soon as they reasonably can and not reopen tomorrow.”
The same rule will also apply to theatres, gyms, cinemas and leisure centres, Johnson explained, adding: “We need now to push down further on that curve of transmission.”
Johnson said that venues can still continue to provide ‘takeout services’, and that the new measures on closures will be reviewed on a monthly basis.
Addressing the general public, Johnson said: “We want you to stay at home to protect the NHS and save lives.”
Now, while everyone is struggling to cope with these drastic changes to our way of life, one man in Bexley found an ingenious way to raise the spirits of his fiancée, by bringing the pub not only to her, but also – through the power of the virtual world – many more.
Steve Heming, a freight forwarder, realised his partner, Madeleine Markey, was feeling the strain of being cooped up inside, like many of us are.
Steve told Therednow: “My fiancée has been feeling a bit down with everything going on, and as I could not cheer her up by taking her to the pub, I thought I would bring the pub to her.
“So I made the sign and we ordered the beers.”