'Call Of Duty: Warzone' Player Discovers Trick To Get The Edge In Gulag 1v1s
Against all odds, I’ve really found myself enjoying . Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against Call Of Duty as a series… it’s just never been my cup of tea. Probably because I’m really, really awful at it and always have been. And yet, is great fun.
Maybe because it’s free-to-play, or maybe because the 150-player mayhem gives me slightly more of a chance to survive and come out on top. Maybe it’s just because playing with two of my mates every night right now is a great way to stay in touch during all this mayhem. Whatever, I’m enjoying my first Call Of Duty game ever and it’s great.

One area where I do need to improve is within the Gulag. If you’ve played , you’re probably aware of the unique respawn system in which, instead of dying, you’re captured and taken to the Gulag. Here, you’re thrown into a rapid fire 1v1 with another player, and the winner gets to rejoin the wider battle.
The only issue is, as I said, I’m rubbish at Call Of Duty. I work well in a team, sure… put me in a 1v1 where the only thing standing between me and death is my skill? You might as well bury me. Fortunately for myself, and thousands of others like me, players have discovered a handy trick that can give a vital edge in the Gulag.
In between being captured and thrown into your 1v1, you’ll be forced to wait in the prison for an indeterminate amount of time. You’re basically queuing up for your match, so the time you’re here depends on how many other 1v1s are before you – but you’re never waiting for much more than a minute or two.

In this time, players are free to run around and interact with other opponents who have been captured and are waiting for their fight. Usually players will just waste their time punching one another (which has no effect but is undeniably fun to do).
However, you be spending this time in a more productive way. Players can actually spray their foes with paint before the 1v1, covering them in bright colours that make them a lot easier to spot during the match. Granted, it’s not a guaranteed win… but the rapid-fire nature of these 1v1 rounds means that you should take any advantage you can get.
Take a look at the strategy in action below, thanks to Reddit user PublicWest.
Granted, you don’t actually know who you’ll be fighting in the Gulag until the match starts. You’ll just have to spray paint as many of your fellow captives as you can before your scuffle begins. Who cares if you look like you’ve lost your mind after mere seconds of being taken prisoner? know you’re hustling.
To customise your spray paint with a bright and easy-to-see colour, all you need to do is head over to the “Barracks” tab in between matches. From there, go into “Identify”, “Gestures & Sprays”, and finally the “Sprays” tab. Choose your colour and you’re away. Oh, a even if this strategy isn’t your style? Next time you’re in the Gulag and some random sprays you with yellow paint… you’ll know to be extra frosty.