Dad Rejected From Joining The Army Due To Six-Inch Penis Tattoo On Leg

A dad has been rejected from the army after being told his six-inch tattoo of a penis is offensive.

Kevin Price, 28, got the tattoo on his inner thigh at a mate’s house when he was ‘eight pints deep’ after a night at the local pub.

Dad Rejected From Joining The Army Due To Six-Inch Penis Tattoo On Leg
Kevin Price with his girlfriend Kimberly Heron. Credit: SWNS

He kept it secret from his girlfriend Kimberly, 28, for three months before she found out – and said he gets lots of attention when it peaks out the bottom of his shorts in summer.

But he insists he doesn’t regret the phallic inking despite being rejected by the army who deemed it ‘offensive and ineligible under current policy’ earlier this month.

The dad-of-three, from Hartlepool in County Durham, has slammed the decision as ‘a bit of a joke’.

The taxi driver said: “I don’t really get it. I passed the online medical and the phone medical. One of the last steps was to send a picture of the tattoos.

“I have a sleeve on my arm so I sent them over that. Then I thought I better be honest and send them over the one on my leg. Next thing I know I’ve been told I can’t join.

“I think it’s a bit of a joke as I’m not exactly going to run around in just my boxers am I? I think the moderator was a bit jealous as I have two bigger d**ks than him.”

Dad Rejected From Joining The Army Due To Six-Inch Penis Tattoo On Leg
The shocking tattoo. Credit: SWNS

The dad-of-three said he got the tat in June 2018 after a drunken night in his local pub. He added: “We were about eight pints deep when my friend mentioned he had a tattoo gun back at his.

“Then I got dared to get a penis on my leg so we walked to his to get it done. My mate did it when he was drunk.

“I tried to hide it from my girlfriend as she was pregnant at the time and I didn’t want to cause any stress. When I finally showed her she was surprised at how big it was. My mam went mad when she found out.”

He applied to join as a Royal electrical and mechanical engineer in January, and as part of the application form had to submit photos of any tattoos he had. His application was rejected last week.

Dad Rejected From Joining The Army Due To Six-Inch Penis Tattoo On Leg
Kevin was rejected from the Army last week. Credit: SWNS

The British Army wrote: “Thank you for completely the Tattoo Proforma and providing further information in the form of photographs.

“Unfortunately based on the information you have given us you are not eligible to join the Army, so we cannot progress your application any further.

“Unacceptable tattoos are defined as being any tattoo mark which meets one or more of the criteria listed below;

“Irrespective of its size or position on the body, a tattoo will be offensive if, by its nature it has the purpose or effect of violating another person’s dignity or creating an adverse environment for others (for instance because it refers to a protected characteristic of gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, nudity, disability or age).

“A tattoo should only be considered to have such an effect if, having regard to all the circumstances, it can be viewed as offensive by an objective standard.

“Unfortunately your tattoo is deemed offensive and therefore deems you ineligible under current policy.

“Thank you for your interest in the British Army. I know this will be disappointing news, but the Armed Forces are unequivocally inflexible when it comes to tattoos.”

Dad Rejected From Joining The Army Due To Six-Inch Penis Tattoo On Leg
Kevin was deemed 'not eligible' to join the Army. Stock image. Credit: PA

Since the rejection Kevin has continued working as a taxi driver. He said: “I don’t regret it at all I think it’s funny.

“When I was wearing shorts in Prague last year I even had Chinese and American tourists come up and take a picture. There must have been about 100.

“It puts a smile on people’s faces. I don’t regret it at all although I am gutted about the Army.”

Therednow has contacted the British Army for comment.


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