Top Epidemiology Adviser Says UK Should Stay In Coronavirus Lockdown Until June
A top epidemiology adviser has warned the UK the country should stay in lockdown until June to help curb the coronavirus outbreak.
The UK’s coronavirus death toll shot up to 1,019 yesterday – a rise of 260 in just 24 hours – with a total of 17,089 confirmed cases.
Last Monday, Boris Johnson told the UK it would be going into lockdown with the measures revisited in three weeks – he said the decision would be under ‘constant review’.

However, one expert thinks three weeks is not a long enough period and that Brits should stay indoors until June.
Professor Neil Ferguson, who is the Government’s leading epidemiology advisor, told The Sunday Times: “We’re going to have to keep these measures [the full lockdown] in place, in my view, for a significant period of time – probably until the end of May, maybe even early June. May is optimistic.“
Speaking at yesterday’s briefing NHS England medical director Professor Stephen Powis said we all must play a part to help keep deaths under 20,000.
“If we can keep deaths below 20,000 we will have done very well in this epidemic,” he announced.
Last week, Health Secretary Matt Hancock told the House of Commons police could hand out an unlimited fine to anyone ignoring social distancing measures.
He said: “These measures are not advice, they are rules and will be enforced, including by the police with fines starting at £30 up to unlimited fines for non-compliance.

“Home is now the front line, and in this national effort, working together, we can defeat this disease. Everyone has a part to play.”
Yesterday Professor Powis reiterate the need for people to stay inside, saying: “You have the chance to save a life”, Powis said.
“It really is as simple as that. Avoid contact with others, stay at home, and if you’re symptomatic, isolate. That will result in fewer deaths”.