Victoria Moves To Stage Three Restrictions And Outlaws Gatherings Of More Than Two People

Victoria has become the first state to move to Stage Three restrictions amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Social gatherings of more than two people will now be outlawed and punishable by an on-the-spot fine of more than $1,600.

Premier Daniel Andrews said: “This is critically important. We cannot have people out socialising and gathering as if this wasn’t happening. We have to protect the health system and we have got to save lives.

Victoria Moves To Stage Three Restrictions And Outlaws Gatherings Of More Than Two People
Credit: PA

“If everyone follows these rules — and they are as simple as they can be — then we will slow the spread of this virus.

“We will save lives, we will protect our health system, we will get through this together and we will get to the other side of it quicker.

“If you are outside, or in your backyard, gathering in more than two people, if you are having friends over for dinner or friends over for drinks that are not members of your household, then you are breaking the law.

“No gathering with friends is worth someone’s life.”

The ruling will come into effect at 11:59pm tonight (Monday March 30) and will be in place for the foreseeable future.

Victoria Moves To Stage Three Restrictions And Outlaws Gatherings Of More Than Two People
Credit: PA

Victoria has 821 confirmed cases of coronavirus, up 56 from yesterday.

Mr Andrews reinforced what Prime Minister Scott Morrison said during a press conference yesterday, that Victorians should only leave the house for four reasons.

  • Shopping for what you need – “food and other essential supplies that enable you to remain at home and to do that shopping as infrequently as possible”
  • Seeking medical care or compassionate needs
  • To exercise
  • For work or education that you cannot do remotely at home.

Funerals will still be able to have 10 people and weddings are allowed to have five people.


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