Man Travels 224 Miles With Wife In Car Boot For Half Of Journey During Lockdown
A man living in Coventry was stopped by police after defying lockdown to drive 112 miles to pick up a £15 eBay order, then travelling back home with his wife in the boot for the rest of the journey.
The driver was stopped by the North West Motorway Police after he made the journey to Salford, Greater Manchester, to pick up some windows that he’d bought online.
This is despite the UK currently being subject to government restrictions that mean everyone must avoid all unnecessary travel to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
Once the driver arrived in Salford, he realised that he couldn’t fit both his windows and his wife in the car, so she had to get in the boot for the drive home.
They were then stopped on the M6 in Cheshire as they drove back, at which point the police discovered the woman hiding in the boot of the car.
The driver received a Traffic Offence Report.

The North West Motorway Police tweeted: “A driver has travelled from Coventry to Salford to collect a £15 eBay purchase of windows.
“His wife could not fit in the vehicle so she was travelling in the boot for the return journey when stopped on the M6 Cheshire. The driver was given a TOR for the offence.”
Under the currently restrictions, people in the UK are urged to stay at home as much as possible, not make any journeys except to shop for essential items, and take only one journey outside the house – if at all – for exercise.
However, it hasn’t been observed by all.
Last week, Derbyshire Police tweeted a picture of queuing traffic heading into the Peak District National Park. It seems that many people fancied enjoying last week’s decent weather in the countryside, against government directives.

The local police force tweeted: “What a lovely day! The perfect day to drive up into the #PeakDistrict for a walk, bike ride, climb or horse ride, isn’t it? No, actually it isn’t.
“We’re seeing a lot of confusion over whether people are allowed to travel to the Peaks to undertake daily exercise while the government are asking us to stay at home. While we have this fantastic space in our county, right now is not the time to be using it.
“Daily exercise should be taken locally to your home. Under government guidance all travel is limited to essential travel only. This is to help ensure that our emergency services aren’t put under even more pressure during this time.”

Stay inside guys, then only way we’re going to stop this is by working together and not doing anything stupid.