‘Nier’ Remaster Announced For PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One

2010’s phenomenal cult classic is getting a remaster – or more specifically. the Japanese-exclusive is. Which will be great news indeed for anyone who loved 2017’s – i.e. us, given it’s one of our games of the decade – as now they’ll be able to explore this series further. Set in an apocalyptic future, tells the story of a man trying to cure his sister of a terrible disease, but as the game unfolds, he uncovers a mind-blowing reality.

Made by visionary director Yoko Taro , producer Yosuke Saito and composer Keiichi Okabe (, earned its reputation as a game truly like no other, so it’s high time we saw a re-release.

The original was available in two versions, but only one came to the West. as it is officially titled, will mark the first time the Japan-only game comes to the rest of the world. It differs from the original Western version (named in Japan) by making the eponymous protagonist a younger man caring for his sister, instead of a father caring for his daughter.

Originally an offshoot of the Drakengard series, went on to produce a sequel, the Square Enix-published , which achieved critical acclaim and far outsold its predecessor. If you’ve not played yet then you’re in luck as the game is coming to Game Pass on April 2nd as the DLC-included ‘Become As Gods Edition’. Don’t worry, you don’t need to have played the prequel to appreciate this immersive, emotional, hack-and-slash RPG from the action-master developers of PlatinumGames.

The Nier franchise has enjoyed continued success since the release of , with one of its playable protagonists 2B making several cameo appearances in other works – such as – and a series of live performances of the game’s music held around the world – including in London, where we caught it.

NieR Reincarnation


Facebook’s Zuckerberg promises a review of content policies after backlash

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