People Are Still Mocking Joe Wicks For How He Pronounces Wensleydale Cheese
Now, Joe Wicks might have become something of a national hero recently, what with his online P.E. lessons for kids not only keeping the kids of the UK fit, but also giving their parents a few hours off, but it turns out that some people will never forgive him for the mistakes of his past.
Specifically, they’re still keen to point out that he – once upon a time – couldn’t pronounce ‘Wensleydale’, as in Wensleydale cheese.
Yes, instead of pronouncing the crumble Yorkshire cheese as we all know that it should be said, he called it ‘Wensley-dah-lay’.
It comes from a video that he posted where ‘The Body Coach’ was having something of a cheat dinner that consisted of three types of cheese.
While he was introducing his audience to his dairy-filled meal, he mispronounced the word for the first time, and the internet will now never let him forget it.
In fact, loads of people got in touch the first time, forcing Wicks to share a video of himself in which he said: “The amount of people messaging me giving me jokes saying you’re not pronouncing it right… They are saying it’s not pronounced that way.”

They’ve got a point, Joe. It’s not pronounced that way.
Let’s give him the benefit of the doubt, perhaps he just says it that way for a joke? We’ve all got stuff like that, haven’t we?
Seemingly people online are too bored to let him get away with this, even if he’s agreeing to donate everything he earns from his daily fitness classes to the NHS.

One person wrote: “Isn’t Joe Wicks the guy who didn’t know how to pronounce Wensleydale properly?”
Yep, that’s really his one and only claim to fame, these days…
Another said: “You don’t mean Joe Wicks, do you? the man who is famous for his mispronunciation of Wensleydale?”
A third added: “Have we forgiven Joe Wicks for “Wensleydale-dahl -ey?”
Apparently not, it would seem.
Well, at least it goes to show that the Great British spirit of tearing someone up for the smallest thing despite the fact that they’re trying to do something nice for everyone is alive and well in these testing times.