Woman Gets Her Neighbours Out Dancing To Absolute Bangers In The Street Each Morning
A woman in Frodsham, near Chester, has been ensuring her neighbours get a good dose of daily exercise, having started daily socially-distanced dance-alongs out in the street.
While most of us are awkwardly clunking around our living room to YouTube workouts, fitness instructor Janet Woodcock, 52, has been rallying her entire street to get outside to exercise – safely, of course.
Normally she teaches classes to the older people, but since the lockdown began she’s been helping everyone on her road, from young kids right through to the elderly.
Janet told the Metro: “I’m not a trained dancer as I’m sure you can see! I just pick any uplifting music that I think people will enjoy.
“I think the Tom Jones number was a hit! The theme tune is our opening track each day as that is what it’s all about.“

Janet continued: “It’s fabulous seeing everyone dance to my moves. I never expected such a great response, people have really embraced it.
“Some say it’s the highlight of their day. I think people just desperately need something uplifting at the moment.“
If anyone else fancies following suit, Janet believes it all ‘starts with music’, urging people to pick whatever makes their ‘heart sing’.
She added: “Just start, you don’t need to be any good. It’s about how you feel, not how you look.“
And it seems Janet’s hard work doesn’t go unappreciated by the other residents.
Her neighbour Elsa posted a now-viral video of the street in action, writing: “Socially distant dancing happens every day on our road at 11am during #lockdown. This was day seven.”

With the clip racking up more than 122,000 likes and 24,000 retweets, Elsa explained a little more about what was going on, writing in a series of updates: “Distance dancing only lasts 10 minutes a day so causes minimal disturbance. Mostly our road is kids and elderly residents who are self isolating, so they look forward to it.
“It was only meant to be a one time thing, but it lifted people round here up a bit and they wanted more. It’s also worth noting that our road hardly spoke to each other before all this!
“Most people are dancing in their drives. Anybody who looks a bit too close together live at the same residence. People’s health is paramount, so of course 2m+ distancing is maintained at all times.”
Elsa added: “Nobody is dancing in time. We know we’re not very good. Ultimately, it changes nothing. But for a few minutes every day, our little corner of the universe feels a bit less alone. That’s something.