'Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare' Multiplayer Is Available For Free All Weekend

Activision has announced that ‘s multiplayer will be available to play for free this weekend. Starting tonight at 6pm, and ending on Monday April 6th at 6pm, you can wallow in as much gritty FPS action as you can stomach.

Given that most of us can’t exactly go out and do anything else with our weekends at the moment, why not drop into Infinity Ward’s 2019 shooter and give it a whirl if you haven’t already? It’s really rather good. The only catch, if you can even call it that, is that access to ‘s multiplayer is only available via the free-to-play spinoff game.

Infinity Ward’s recently released battle royale is entirely free to download of course – but consider this a warning: isn’t exactly a small download. If you’re even interested in checking out ‘s multiplayer and getting the most out of this free weekend, make sure you’ve got the battle royale installed as soon as you’re able. Seriously, go and do it now if you possibly can. It’s a install.

'Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare' Multiplayer Is Available For Free All Weekend
Call of Duty: Warzone

Once you’ve downloaded , you’ll be able to enjoy your free weekend through the battle royale’s lobby in the form of the “Stocked Up/Locked Down” 24/7 playlist. This playlist will give players access to the Atlas Superstore and Shoot House maps, as well as the Team Deathmatch, Domination, Hardpoint, Kill Confirmed, and Headquarters modes.

“Now’s your chance to get to know Multiplayer combat in two concentrated, visually stunning settings,” Activision wrote in a blog post. “You’ll be able to experience 6v6 and 10v10 gameplay with and free-to-play players alike. And, you’ll get a deeper knowledge of the weapons and equipment you’ve encountered in .

“There’s no time to waste: Experience Multiplayer starting on April 3 at 10AM PDT only live until 10AM PT on April 6. In this genre-defining take on Multiplayer, you’re sure to experience a fast-paced fight where combat is constant and there’s a skirmish at every turn. So, grab your friends, hit the lobby, and get your dukes up!”

'Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare' Multiplayer Is Available For Free All Weekend
Get Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare Cheaper Than Anywhere Else. Credit: Activision

For those of you who’ve been playing but have yet to check out the game it sprung from, is simultaneously a familiar yet massively different experience. For one thing, the majority of modes in favour much more fast-paced gameplay set in tighter arenas, while is obviously a larger, more drawn-out experience.

Even if you think you’ve got down, this free weekend could be a good chance to sharpen your skills and try out some new weapons.


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