The PS5 DuelSense Controller Looks Slick In Black Thanks To Fan Mockups
Sony surprised us all last night when it finally unveiled the first official look at the next-gen PlayStation in the form of the PS5 DualSense controller. As I’m sure you’ve probably seen by now, the new bit of kit is a substantial departure from the DualShock design that became synonymous with the first four PlayStation consoles.
Still, change is good – and I’m kind of digging the look of the thing already. I’ll need to reserve final judgment until I feel the weight of it in my hands and see if it’s still comfortable after a lengthy gaming session, but looks-wise… I’m here for the DualSense. Cool name, too. My only real complaint so far is that there’s way too much white on the thing. I don’t think it’ll take long for most gamers to get that looking fairly mucky, and that’s not ideal.

While not yet confirmed, we can obviously expect Sony to release a range of different colours and custom designs for the DualSense across the PS5’s lifespan. I mean, just look at how many DualShock 4 variants there are right now… it’s getting silly. But while we wait for Sony to go ahead and unveil those new designs, fans have imagined what an all black version of the new controller might look like – and it’s a real looker.
Take a peek for yourself below.
This sexy black number has been pretty well-received by the majority of PlayStation fans on Twitter, with only a few (quite rightly) pointing out that the buttons could do with a little colour. To be honest, I didn’t notice that was something that’s missing from the official design until this was mentioned to me, and I now I can’t un-see it. Colour those buttons, dammit.
I have to say, I’m also a fan of this beautiful “classic-style” design that was shared by mikaeltarquin over on Reddit. Not to bang on about it, but adding colour to the buttons really does make a world of difference. Take a look at it below.

There’s a lot more to the DualSense than just looks, mind you. In a statement, Sony explained that the new controller would keep “much of what gamers love about DualShock 4 intact, while also adding new functionality and refining the design”, and offering a new level of immersion to players.
“We had a great opportunity with PS5 to innovate by offering game creators the ability to explore how they can heighten that feeling of immersion through our new controller,” Sony continued. “This is why we adopted haptic feedback, which adds a variety of powerful sensations you’ll feel when you play, such as the slow grittiness of driving a car through mud.”
“We also incorporated adaptive triggers into the L2 and R2 buttons of DualSense so you can truly feel the tension of your actions, like when drawing a bow to shoot an arrow.”
So now we know all about the controller and what it looks like, as well as what exactly is going on under the hood of the PS5 itself. Now all that’s left is for Sony to show us what the console looks like and, hopefully, announce a launch lineup of exciting new games. Watch this space.