Cult 80's Horror 'Cannibal Holocaust' Is Getting A Video Game
Video game to movie adaptations are often greeted with a collective sigh from most of us – and rightly so. But how about the other way around? There are plenty of examples out there that aren’t awful. But how about a game based on the controversial 80s movie, ? It’s called simply and is set for release later this year.
It’s not the first crossover that springs to mind, let’s be honest. If you’re unfamiliar with the film it follows the story of an anthropologist from New York who heads into the Amazon rainforest to search for a documentary crew that has gone missing. As you can probably guess from the title, things don’t go so well. In fact, the film was slammed for its graphic violence which was presented by way of “found footage”, much like the later .
You can check out the reveal trailer above, or go here for a direct link. It’s suitably unsettling, considering the source material. And while it does a decent job of giving us an idea of the kind of vibe to expect, there’s nothing to tell us what gameplay will be like – or indeed if there is any – the game’s description says it’s an “interactive horror graphic adventure” so we’ll have to wait and see.
Like the movie, the game will be directed by Ruggero Deodato and will be made in collaboration with Fantastico Studio. Here’s the blurb from the official site.
” is an interactive horror graphic adventure made with Unity, with the direction and script of Ruggero Deodato, the original drawings of Solo Macello, in which the player will take control of different characters, to reveal, little by little, the background that led them to a desperate expedition to the virgin jungles of Borneo. And of course, get to discover the end of the story, destined to shake from the foundations every certainty acquired during the game.”
is heading to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC “from November”, later this year.