​NHS Nurse Shouts At ‘Absolute Idiots’ Hanging Out In Park

A nurse has filmed herself scolding a group of ‘absolute idiots’ who she caught hanging out in the park during lockdown, ordering them to move along and go home.

The footage was posted to a Facebook group on Friday, and shows the NHS worker confronting the group of six people, who had been sitting on a patch of grass drinking beer.

According to the Daily Mail, the incident took place in Basingstoke, Hampshire.

The nurse tells the group in the clip: “My husband is not getting paid. I have to go in and do overtime all the time. I have got two kids in there.”

As one of the strangers tells her ‘don’t stand near us then’, she hits back: “I have to go to work every day fearing I am going to be [a risk] to my family because of people like you!

“You are absolute idiots.”

Someone tells her to stop filming, but the defiant nurse continues: “No! If you’re gonna be stupid then I’ll show the world how stupid you are.

Absolute idiots, why you think you’re better than everyone else, I’ve got no idea!

​NHS Nurse Shouts At ‘Absolute Idiots’ Hanging Out In Park
Credit: Facebook

As some of the group begin to leave, she tells them: “That’s it, jog on!”

She also continues to film, saying she’ll ‘quite happily stay here until the police get here’.

The government has expressly told Brits to stay at home wherever possible to help stop the spread of coronavirus, and to help protect the NHS.

People are only allowed to leave their house to shop for basic necessities, for any medical need, to provide care for a vulnerable person, to travel to or from work if they cannot work from home, or to exercise for up to one hour a dayas long as they honour social distancing measures.

In yesterday’s press briefing, Health Secretary Matt Hancock reminded people to stay inside over the Easter weekend.

​NHS Nurse Shouts At ‘Absolute Idiots’ Hanging Out In Park
A Total Of 19 UK Health Workers Have Died After Contracting Coronavirus

Calling on the public to play their part in a ‘national effort’, he said: “However warm the weather, however tempting the beach or park, we need everyone to stay at home.

“NHS staff are battling day and night to keep desperately sick people breathing and they need you to stay at home.”

He added: “Even if you are not directly involved… there is something that every one of us can do to play your part in the national effort.

“Stay at home, because spreading the virus today risks lives tomorrow and increases pressure of those working in the NHS.

“Do it for them. For it for the people you love.”


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