Driver Told Police He Needed To Go On 170-Mile-Trip To Get Away From Wife And Kids

A driver who was stopped by police over the Easter bank holiday told cops he needed to get out of the house to have a break from his wife and children during the coronavirus lockdown.

The bloke was spotted by officers from Devon, Cornwall and Dorset Roads Policing on a non-essential trip to Cornwall yesterday (12 April) and pulled over.

In another tweet from Alliance Roads Policing, the official account for the three separate units, they explained how another driver bought and went to collect a second hand boat.

In response, one person wrote: “Well done and huge thanks for keeping us safe from the ignorant and stupid who think themselves above the rules.”

Another added: “I bet that he had a sinking feeling when you moored alongside!”

It seems people still aren’t getting the message though, with a further tweet coming in about a recovery truck being pulled over taking his pal to collect some motorbikes.

After they were collected, the driver then decided to visit Paignton, Devon, to reminisce of times past. Both the driver and his friend were reported for the breaches and directed to leave Devon.

This sort of thing is happening all over the country. In Cumbria people were attempting to venture out this weekend but with very little luck it would seem.

Cumbria Police also caught four men in a taxi travelling from Leeds to the Lake District on Easter Sunday at 1.30am.

The force wrote: “Sadly its not the beginning of a joke and they were not laughing when we escorted them back to the Lancashire border. We are out at all hours so don’t try sneaking in. #stayathome means just that.”


Donald Trump Says He's Heard 'Interesting' Things About Aliens

BY THEREDNOW STAFF President Donald Trump has admitted that he’s heard ‘interesting’ things about alien and an alleged UFO crash site in the US. Come on, Donny, just tell us. The POTUS was taking part in a Father’s Day interview with his son Don Jr, who is seemingly as keen as any of us to […]