'Crysis' Remake Teased By Devs And I'm Already Scared For My PC

I hope your PC is up to scratch, because it sounds an awful lot like a remake or remaster of the original is on the way. The official Crysis Twitter account is suddenly active again after years of silence, and they’ve been posting multiple teasers and references that all lead back to the first game in the series.

The 2007 FPS was a big hit when it first released, and a staggering technical achievement. In fact, it was often regarded as benchmark when testing what a computer could do… hence the enduring legacy of the “but can it run ?” meme. Now, it seems, a whole new generation of PC gamers will be able to ask themselves that question for real.

'Crysis' Remake Teased By Devs And I'm Already Scared For My PC
Crysis / Credit: EA

Just to make things nice and confusing, the first tease arrived on April 1st. Crytek updated the game’s official website for the first time since 2017 with looping footage of the the original game. Exciting stuff, but Crytek ultimately admitted that this was an April Fool’s joke. It didn’t end there, though.

Speculation heated up once again when the aforementioned Crysis Twitter account sprang back to life on April 13th with its first tweet since December 2016. That’s a hell of a time to be off Twitter, but it could be argued that a lot of companies are just looking for new ways to engage fans while we’re all stuck inside.

However, the actual content of the tweets the account has been sharing are notable in that they seem to be related to the original . Take a look for yourself below.

To my mind, there really are only two possible scenarios here. There’s either a bored social media manager who wants to try and whip up some engaging content during lockdown (which has clearly worked), or Crytek wants people to start thinking about the brand again ahead of a remaster/remake reveal.

At this stage, I’d say these are equally likely, so definitely don’t get excited. As far as I’m aware, EA still owns the rights to the franchise after publishing the first three games, unless Crytek picked it up off them at some point (it’s all a little unclear).

I would point out that EA did tease more fan-favourite remasters last year, so if remains in the hands of the publisher, perhaps a collaboration with Crytek isn’t such a fanciful notion. Watch this space.


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