We Will Not Lift Lockdown Until It Is Safe, Says Health Secretary
Health Secretary Matt Hancock has said the UK won’t lift the lockdown until it is safe to do so.
Speaking at today’s briefing he praised people for staying indoors while the weather is nice, stressing the importance of following the lockdown measures to help slow the spread of the virus.
Hancock said: “We cannot let up in our efforts, we cannot let go of the hard work that has been done so far. This shared sacrifice, and I know it’s a sacrifice, is starting to work but we will not lift these measures until it is safe to do so.

“Everyone who stays at home is doing their bit – protecting the NHS and saving lives. But while everyone else stays at home to save lives, our health and care workers go out to work to save lives.”
Dr Angela McLean, the UK’s deputy chief scientific officer, said the lockdown is ‘having the impact we hoped it would have’.
Sharing the most recent data on the virus, Dr McLean said there was a flattening in the number of cases which for her was ‘evidence that what everybody has done together has worked’.
Chief medical officer Chris Whitty said the virus looks to be ‘reaching the peak’ but warned there will still be many more deaths.
“It’s probably reaching the peak overall”, he said. “My expectation will be the number of deaths will go up. After a four day weekend, there may well be a bounce up tomorrow.
“We think high levels of deaths will continue.”
Hancock also said he wants to introduce ‘new procedures’ to allow people ‘wherever possible’ a chance to say goodbye to their loved one before they die. Adding that he had been upset after hearing the story of Ismail Mohamed Abdulwahab, the 13-year-old boy who died alone after contracting the virus.
He said: “I’ve been really moved and upset by some of the heartbreaking stories of people dying without a loved one nearby. As a father of a 13-year-old myself, the reports of Ismail, dying aged 13, without a parent at his bedside, made me weep.
“And the site of his coffin being lowered into a grave without his family present, was too awful.”
As of 9am today [15 April] 98,476 people in the UK have tested positive for covid-19.
As of 5pm yesterday there had been 12,868 deaths – but this figure doesn’t include those who died in care homes.