Weatherman Drums The BBC News Music Straight After Live Broadcast

A weather presenter for the BBC has mixed his usual weather report up a bit to keep viewers entertained as he reports from home during the coronavirus lockdown.

North West Tonight’s Owain Wyn Evans posted the video of himself playing the drums to the BBC News theme, just a few moments after he’d finished his report.

He shared the footage on his social media, where understandably, it’s gone down an absolute treat.

In the video, the 36-year-old can be seen finishing off his weather forecast, before saying: “That’s the forecast, stay safe and I’ll see you soon.”

He then unexpectedly dashes off the screen, jumping in to the seat behind his drum kit.

The BBC News theme tune can be heard and Owain begins to accompany the instantly recognisable tune on the drums

Weatherman Drums The BBC News Music Straight After Live Broadcast
Credit: Twitter/Owain Wyn Evans

He does the whole of the famous theme, ending in perfect time in a satisfying crash of the drumsticks.

Of course – people loved seeing him play the banger – a bit of much-needed light relief from real life.

One person replied: “Just loved this Owain! Never seen a drummer look so smart and not a hair out of place! You’ve made my day. Thank you. You are a delight!”

Another commented: “My 87-year-old dad used to love your weather reports, this would have made him smile to much, keep spreading the happiness!”

A third said: “The best and most unexpected just made me smile from ear to ear. He’s such a lovely break from the norm.”

Even his BBC colleague, Simon McCoy was impressed, tweeting:

Someone else didn’t want to admit it, but they loved it too:

And it’s not the first time the theme tune has been proven to be a certified banger.

Rachel Leary, 22, became internet famous when she filmed herself having lockdown rave to the BBC News theme tune, using flashing lights in her kitchen and spraying cans of Febreeze.

Looks like another case of ‘quarantine made me do it’.


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