'Final Fantasy VII' Remake Voice Actor Emotionally Reacts To Her Performance

If you picked up the last week, you may well be able to appreciate the reaction of Briana White, the actress who voiced Aerith Gainsborough, when she saw her character for the first time, in-game. She tweeted her reaction in a video and you can see it below.

It probably goes without saying that there are minor spoilers ahead. So if you haven’t played the game and are planning to, you might want to bookmark this and come back later.

The tweet reads, “I was not prepared for this moment. Hearing my voice over work in the finished product for the first time… Pure magic. (light spoiler warning).”

In the video, you can watch as White streams the part of the where you meet Aerith for the first time. If you’re just recovering from playing through that bit yourself, you might want to brace yourself for those feels once more. The actress reacts with laughter and tears throughout the scene and at one point exclaims “the music!” through her tears.

And I’m sure those of us that played the original and/or went on to watch the 2005 movie, can relate. I, personally, was an absolute mess through the first few hours of the game, having to take several moments when the nostalgia became too much. It’s hard to imagine how much the game must mean to someone actually involved with such a key character.

According to Gamespot, this is White’s first performance in any game so it was going to be an emotional experience regardless. But voicing Aerith must’ve been a huge challenge with a ton of pressure to get it right. She follows in the footsteps of Mena Suvari who voiced Aerith in the movie but we think she pretty much nailed it.

Now who’s been chopping onions around here?


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