Sony Is Offering Free PS4 Games To Encourage Gamers To #PlayAtHome
Sony is encouraging people to stay at home as directed, having launched a nifty #PlayAtHome campaign involving free games.
Yep, in an attempt to coax people off the streets and back indoors to their screens – a turn of events I’m sure many people never saw coming – the company is offering PlayStation users a few PS4 freebies so that they can remain home and help stop the spread of coronavirus.
and will both be completely free to download from now until 5 May, with Sony saying this is its way of saying thank you ‘to all who are doing their part to lessen the impact of this pandemic’ – a bit like when the well-behaved kids at school got stickers on their star chart, only this time it involves something decidedly more exciting.
Plus, as Due contains remastered versions of the first three Uncharted titles – and – technically you’re getting a haul of four free games, which ain’t half bad.

A blog post on the PlayStation website says: “People all over the world are doing the right thing by staying home to help contain the spread of COVID-19. We are deeply grateful to everyone practicing physical distancing and take our responsibility as a home entertainment platform seriously, so we are asking our community to continue supporting the safe choice and the need to Play At Home.
To support Play At Home, PlayStation will try to make those occasionally dull moments more exciting by offering and available for free [in Germany and China, users will have access to Knack 2 and Journey for free for a limited time (April 15, 2020 at 8pm PDT through May 5, 2020 at 8pm PDT] for a limited time through digital downloads from April 15 at 8pm PDT through May 5, 2020 at 8pm PDT Once you redeem the games, they are yours to keep.”

Sony warned that some game downloads may take a little longer than usual, due to measures that it is taking to safeguard internet bandwidths in the US and Europe.
As well as ‘providing free games to help keep the PlayStation community entertained at home’, Sony’s #PlayAtHome initiative also involves creative funding to help ‘smaller independent game studios who may be experiencing financial difficulties continue building great experiences for all gamers’.
The tech giant said it has earmarked $10 million to support independent development partners, with more information about the fund, including participation criteria, available soon.
If staying at home helps saves lives, by extension playing at home does too… Which is pretty cool, let’s be honest.