'The Last Of Us 2's' New Release Date Potentially Leaked By Amazon
If you’ve been patiently waiting for the release of , the announcement that came a few weeks ago that the game’s launch has been delayed indefinitely won’t have been welcome news. But it seems that you might not have quite as long to wait as Naughty Dog originally suggested. According to a leak from Amazon, it could release as soon as June.
The listing of showed a release date for June 26, less than a month after the date of the cancelled release of May 29. And while it’s far from an actual confirmation (and should be absolutely taken with a grain of salt), as Gamerant points out, the leaked release date is a Friday – one of the days that games are typically released – rather than “placeholder” release dates which tend to be the last day of the month.

So it’s not actually quite as far-fetched as it may first appear – according to Naughty Dog, is essentially finished and ready to go. The reason for the latest delay is down to the current global events and how that would impact trying to release the game simultaneously to everyone. We’ve already seen how Square Enix made the decision to ship physical copies of early so that people wouldn’t miss out on the release date. And while it’s a good move, in theory, it meant that a lot of people got the game almost a week before those that opted for digital versions.
Naughty Dog is clearly not wanting to see similar problems with the launch of , as it stated when announcing the decision to delay. “We want to make sure everyone gets to play around the same time, ensuring that we’re doing everything possible to preserve the best experience for everyone. This meant delaying the game until such a time where we can solve these logistic issues.”
And for those curious enough to go and look, the release date on Amazon now shows December 31 – but don’t be disheartened as it’s clearly a placeholder.
In related news, Joel actor, Troy Baker recently talked about the character’s role in . “What we’ve done such a good job of doing [in ], is to continue to peel back layers and learn more about him,” Baker explained. “even learned more about Joel and I’m the guy that walked into [the original audition] and said, ‘I know the truth about Joel!’ I knew his truth back then, but now, I know even more of Joel’s truth.”