Visionary Builds Nintendo Switch From Parts Because They're All Sold Out

If like me, you haven’t picked up a Nintendo Switch yet, recent events may have prompted you to start seriously looking into getting one. But unless you’ve been lucky, you’ll find that it’s been quite difficult to get hold of Nintendo’s handheld console – for a decent price, at least. But that hasn’t put off Imgur user, Sarbaaz37 who has decided to build his own (thanks, Gizmodo).

“After playing New Horizons and hyping it up to my friends, they decided they wanted a Switch,” says Sarbaaz37 in his post on Imgur. “They called around to different retailers every day for a week with no luck finding anyone who had one in stock. No one knew when the next shipment would be. This led to an online search like Craigslist, OfferUp, and Ebay.”

Visionary Builds Nintendo Switch From Parts Because They're All Sold Out
Credit: Sarbaaz37

“Unfortunately everyone knows the rest. Upwards of $450 to $600 in the Seattle area for a used Switch. Some with and without all the accessories. This enraged me to the point of telling them I could build one cheaper out of spare parts. So they hired me to do just that. If anyone is interested in doing the same here is my step by step buying guide along with assembly instructions and a pricing guide.”

Sarbaaz37 detailed all the steps in his post but be warned though – this isn’t something that just anyone can take on. You’d need quite a bit of technological know-how (not to mention a solid grasp of electronics). According to Gizmodo, it took Sarbaaz around a month to acquire all the necessary bits and pieces he’d need to build his own Switch console and, as you can see in the Imgur post, it’s pretty extensive.

Visionary Builds Nintendo Switch From Parts Because They're All Sold Out
Credit: Sarbaaz37

So while it may be a little bit tempting to build your own, you’re probably better off waiting for stocks to catch up with demand, which they should do in the coming weeks. Of course, the shortage hasn’t been helped by the enormous success of . And couple that with people looking for convenient ways to keep themselves amused during the lockdown, it’s little wonder that it’s been difficult to get hold of a Switch.


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