Woman Mortified After Realising She'd Ordered Sex Toy Using Mum's eBay Account

The world of online shopping can be tricky to master at the best of times, as you’ll know if you’ve ever accidentally ordered 30 pairs of trousers or ended up with doll’s house furniture in place of the desired living room sofa.

But 22-year-old Jessica Smith didn’t realise her mistake until it was far too late – only being alerted to the fact she’d purchased a sex toy using her mum’s eBay account when she received a message… from her mum.

‘Mortified’ Jessica had intended to purchase the item as a guest, having heard from a friend that she could buy a purple Rampant Rabbit off eBay relatively cheaply.

Woman Mortified After Realising She'd Ordered Sex Toy Using Mum's eBay Account
Credit: Kennedy News

But the retail worker hadn’t clocked she was still logged in to mum Jackie Dixon’s account when the bought the item on Wednesday night (15 April).

It wasn’t until the next day that mum-of-one- Jessica, found out there had been a mix-up, having received a toe-curling screengrab of the £13 purchase confirmation from 52-year-old Jackie.

Woman Mortified After Realising She'd Ordered Sex Toy Using Mum's eBay Account
Credit: Kennedy News

Referring to the incriminating screenshot, Jackie asked her daughter, ‘What’s this?’ before suggesting it may be time for Jessica to get her own eBay account.

Mum-of-one Jessica, from Chester, Cheshire, replied: “Oh my God… I want to die.”

Woman Mortified After Realising She'd Ordered Sex Toy Using Mum's eBay Account
Credit: Kennedy News

Eventually Jessica recovered from the shock and managed to see the funny side of what had happened. She shared the exchange online, writing: “How’s everyone’s lockdown going? I’ve just bought a dildo signed into me mum’s eBay account.”

Her tweet soon went viral, racking up 62,000 likes and more than 4,000 retweets in less than a day.

Jessica, who is mum to two-year-old Orla, said: “I was absolutely mortified. I wanted the ground to swallow me up.

“I was just so embarrassed, I couldn’t reply straight away. I didn’t know what to say.

Woman Mortified After Realising She'd Ordered Sex Toy Using Mum's eBay Account
Jessica with mum Jackie. Credit: Kennedy News

“Mum hasn’t stopped making fun of me since. It’s a really good job she’s a good sport. She’s told me to stock up on batteries too.

“My friend had recommended checking eBay because she’d bought a sex toy on there before and said it was cheaper.

“I just did it on my phone without thinking I would still be logged into Mum’s account. I was meant to check out as a guest, but that obviously didn’t happen. It’s the first one I’ve ever bought.

“It’s meant to arrive on Monday. I’m looking forward to it to be honest.”


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