Live Crabs Escape And Cause Chaos At Airport In The Bahamas
Footage has re-emerged that shows a bunch of crabs taking over the baggage reclaim area at an airport in The Bahamas.
Nope, this doesn’t seem to have been anything to do with nature taking over once again as a result of the coronavirus, this simply seems to be a heap of crabs that have got ideas above their station.
The footage is actually pretty old – as the airports are open – but it’s always nice when these things resurface.
They were in an icebox that was arriving for collection on the luggage carousel, but were gifted a chance at freedom when it broke before it could be picked up.
In military tactics, this is known as a pincer movement.
Before we get into it, does anyone else find it a little bit strange that people are travelling on aeroplanes with live crabs in a cool box?
Perhaps this is a totally normal thing to do, and The Bahamas is a collection of islands, after all.
Either way, the idea that something like this could happen at any time in an airport is somewhat unnerving, isn’t it?
In the video, the crabs can be seen making a break for it and climbing on top of one another to get away from the moving carousel at Lynden Pindling International Airport on the island of Nassau.

As you can perhaps imagine, the passengers within the airport reacted in a variety of ways.
Some decided to help out and tried to pick up the invertebrates to get them back into the icebox, others sprinted away from the situation as quickly as possible, and one person – thankfully – grabbed their smartphone camera and started filming the chaos unfolding.
When that intrepid videographer uploaded their footage originally, they tried to describe the situation thusly.
He said: “I was waiting for my suitcase at Lynden Pindling International Airport in the Bahamas when one of the iceboxes opened when falling down with the suitcases. People blocked and caught the crabs.”
Sadly, it seems then as if none of the crabs were successful in their escape attempt. They were all gathered up and put back into the icebox, presumably destined for some sort of shop, and then someone’s plate.

Life is tough if you’re a captive crab in the Caribbean, that’s for sure.
Anyway, it’s well worth a watch, because when else are you likely to see an airport tossed into absolute disarray by a whole load of crabs.
In these straightened times, we could all use a bit of a laugh at something as utterly ridiculous as this.
You have to feel for the crabs, though. They were so close to making it.