'Call Of Duty: Warzone' Console Players Avoid Crossplay Because Of PC Cheaters

Like many games released in the last year or so, and come with a built-in crossplay feature that allows PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC users to play together. This, on paper, is supposed to be a happy and glorious tool that brings us one step closer to a future where gamers are unified by their love of games, not driven apart by their choice of platform.

Unfortunately, as is so often the way, there’s one small group that threatens to ruin this dream for the rest of us. In this instance, it’s cheaters. Cheaters on PC, to be precise. Yes, according to a new report by Eurogamer, users on PS4 and Xbox One are disabling crossplay in the game’s settings. They claim to be running up against PC cheaters with alarming frequency.

Cheating has been a real issue in and . The latter has been an especially difficult game to police for developer Infinity Ward because it’s free-to-play and those who insist on playing deviously have much less to lose if they’re caught and banned.

Just last week, Infinity Ward confirmed that it had caught and banned no less than 70,000 cheaters since launched back in March. “We are watching. We have zero tolerance for cheaters,” the studio later tweeted.

In spite of this action, numerous console players are reporting on Reddit that cheating persists. There are stories of players who are able to get kills through walls, shots that automatically aim for the head, and other troubling issues. PC tends to be the worst platform for these kind of issues, as enabling such features on consoles is is more difficult and infinitely easier for cheating detection software to track.

'Call Of Duty: Warzone' Console Players Avoid Crossplay Because Of PC Cheaters
Call Of Duty: Warzone / Credit: Activision

Since crossplay means console players will be more likely to run into this kind of player, the only viable option for many seems to be to disable the feature until a more reliable solution comes along. Clearly this isn’t something the vast majority of players want to have to do, as being able to play with mates who might not own the same platform as you is kind of the whole point of crossplay.

Hopefully Infinity Ward can come up with something, but it’s a difficult situation. Until then, join me in delivering a big “F you” to cheaters everywhere. You really are the absolute worst. One step below the people that stand still on the left hand side of the escalators when you’re trying to catch your train.


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