Cyclist Spotted Carrying Six-Foot Sofa On Bike In London
A cyclist has been spotted riding along a main London road with a six-foot-wide sofa balanced on the front of his bicycle.
Gary Pedder was out shopping in Finchley last week when he spotted a cyclist passing by, seemingly without a care in the world – not even the massive settee attached to his bike, which was secured only by ‘bits of rope’.
In a short clip filmed by the 37-year-old, the unnamed cyclist can be seen passing by with the sofa strapped to his fuchsia-pink bike.
Gary said he was then spotted again half an hour later, looking noticeably ‘tired out’ after riding for at least 30 minutes with the piece of furniture in tow.
Speaking about the strange encounter, construction worker Gary, from Barnet, said that he couldn’t quite believe what he was witnessing.
He said: “We were astounded by it – I think my reaction on the video shows that.
“I was shocked. He was acting like it was an everyday thing to do – as if it was the most normal thing ever.

“I have no idea why he was doing it but it was hilarious at the time. Maybe he couldn’t get a removal van.
“The sofa did not look sturdy at all – it was wobbling and all over the place. Usually that road would be packed with cars.
“It was only attached by bits of rope at the front and it was a three-seater. I’d say it was about six foot wide.”
And after Gary had finished his shopping trip and set off on his drive home, he spotted the same cyclist, still riding around with the sofa on their bike.
He went on: “At first we didn’t realise it was a sofa, but when we noticed I grabbed the phone.
“He must have been quite fit and athletic, peddling along with a sofa on the front of his bike.
“We saw him a while later when we were coming on the way back from shopping. He definitely looked more tired out when we saw him the second time.
“He was outside Sainsbury’s about three miles up to road. We’d done our shopping, come out and he was heading towards central London.”
Gary added: “Everyone who has seen the video was shocked by it.”