Reporter's Naked Husband Seen In Background Of News Segment While In Shower

A news reporter in America shocked viewers when what appeared to be her naked husband could be seen in the background of her segment as she broadcast from home.

Melinda Meza, a correspondent for KCRA 3 in Sacramento, California, had been filming a news piece from her home about how people can style their hair when they can’t get to a hairdresser.

Usually based in Joaquin County, where she acts as the bureau chief for the region, like many other journalists Meza has had to work from home as her state remains under lockdown due to coronavirus.

And, as many of us have found, turning a house into an office doesn’t come without a few technical difficulties.

Filming her segment from her bathroom, Meza spoke about tips on hairstyling while quarantined.

But viewers at home soon became distracted by something else in the background of her report: the outline of what appeared to be a person in the shower.

One person tweeted: “Omg please let that not be her husband.”

Reporter's Naked Husband Seen In Background Of News Segment While In Shower
Credit: NBC

Speculating about what we could see, another said: “They’re def in the shower. We are seeing him in the reflection of a 2nd mirror that’s on the door of the bathroom. He isn’t moving because he doesn’t want to be seen on the large mirror behind the woman, not knowing he is seen by the 2nd mirror.”

A third joked: “Damn why she wanna work when she’s got all that at home?”

While Meza has not spoken out about the clip, the silhouette is believed to be that of her husband, Mike de Lambert, who she has been married to since 2004.

Of course, Meza’s predicament isn’t the only one to have arisen following the surge of people using video technology for work.

In fact, another American reporter faced a similar situation recently when her dad walked into the room topless while she filmed a news segment from home.

SNN reporter Jessica Lang had asked her mum Diana to act as her stand-in camera operator while she presented a piece from the kitchen.

Everything seemed to be going fairly smoothly under the circumstances, but suddenly Jessica had to stop her broadcast, having had some sort of signal from her new camerawoman.

“What did you do, Mom?” Jessica asks frustratedly in the clip, not knowing her mother has spotted Mr Lang wandering into shot in the background.

At this point, Jessica turns around and spots her dad behind her, popping a t-shirt on and looking fairly bemused.

“Dad, holy c**p!” she exclaims, as her father tries to slink back out of the room.

Jessica has since tweeted the amusing clip, which has gone viral with 11,000 likes and 1,200 retweets.

She wrote: “Work from home they said, it’ll be fine they said.”

Two cautionary tales, if ever you heard ’em…


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