New Microsoft Flight Simulator Screenshots Will Make You Pine For Air Travel

There are a lot of things we can’t do right now that I very much wish I could. Going to the pub and enjoying a drink in a nice beer garden is pretty high up on the list. So is seeing my friends and family, and the ability to go for more than one walk a day without risking the wrath of the law.

If I’m being completely honest, I don’t really miss public transport. Air travel, in particular, didn’t really stand out to me as an obvious contender as a dearly-missed relic of days gone by. And yet, as I gaze upon the latest screenshots for Microsoft’s undeniably beautiful , I find myself pining for overpriced drinks, cramped cabins, and three-hour delays in airports with crap WiFi and nothing else to do.

New Microsoft Flight Simulator Screenshots Will Make You Pine For Air Travel
Credit: simtom 112
New Microsoft Flight Simulator Screenshots Will Make You Pine For Air Travel
Credit: Batlle777

The upcoming flight sim recently entered Alpha, and these screenshots come via the players who were lucky enough to get their hands on the game and test it out (thanks, DSO Gaming). The new screens, which you can see peppered above and below, show off exactly what this promising powerhouse of a title can do.

Environments, aircraft interiors, and exteriors, are all packed with an incredible level of detail that really speak to how Microsoft and developer Asobo Studio have kicked this new entry up several thousand notches. The new screens also show off some of the fancy new graphical techniques employed by , including Volumetric Clouds and the Sun Lights. Not entirely sure what that means? Me either, but dammit if it doesn’t make the game look pretty.

But perhaps what’s most impressive of all is that this is the game in Alpha. I genuinely shudder to think how much better the finished product could potentially end up looking. Hell, they could release it as it is and it’d still be one of the best looking games out there – that’s really saying something.

New Microsoft Flight Simulator Screenshots Will Make You Pine For Air Travel
Credit: Tomlaut1980
New Microsoft Flight Simulator Screenshots Will Make You Pine For Air Travel
Credit: LeadoffJoker47
New Microsoft Flight Simulator Screenshots Will Make You Pine For Air Travel
Credit: Tomlaut1980
New Microsoft Flight Simulator Screenshots Will Make You Pine For Air Travel
Credit: FreakDragonfly8

doesn’t have a set release date just yet, but it’s hoped that the game will be able to hit Xbox One and PC by the end of the year. Based on everything we’ve seen and heard so far, this is shaping up to be the most detailed and accurate simulation game to date. Perfect for those of us who have had flights and holidays cancelled this year and want to scratch that travel itch.


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