Auto mechanic Was Fired After Bosses Found Coworkers Watching Her OnlyFans
As reported by Buzzfeed News, her co-workers discovered out about her Instagram page and according to Ms Vaughn, began to make comments regarding her and also watch her videos while at job.
But when they were discovered to be doing so, instead of punishing those viewing, managers made a decision that it was her own fault for making an OnlyFans account – and continued to discharge her.
On her tweet, she uploaded a video clip of herself repairing an auto, stating: “Really a pity they had to terminate me for having my only followers page, cuz I obtained down at my dealer.
But when they were found to be doing so, instead of punishing those watching, managers decided that it was her own fault for making an OnlyFans account – and proceeded to fire her.
Known as Ms Red on Twitter, the budding mechanic has posted about her ordeal, proving she definitely knows her way around a car engine already.
On her tweet, she posted a video of herself fixing a car, saying: “Really a shame they had to fire me for having my only fans page, cuz I got down at my dealership. Here’s me doing a complete a/c system replacement due to ‘black death’.”
But she’s not letting the whole thing get her down, and has insisted on continuing with BOTH of her chosen careers. What a woman.
Speaking to Buzzfeed News: “It highlights how sex workers are not properly protected and it can also be used as a lesson learned for people who want to keep their day job.”