Ubisoft Teasing Assassin'& #x 27; s Creed Announcement Via Livestream, Watch It Here


At the very least, I’m basing that on the title of the stream, which is “Assassin’s Creed: Teaser’ LIVE with BossLogic”.

The majority of records over the last year or so have actually recommended that the adhere to up to as well as its Ancient Greece adventures will certainly be a Viking-flavoured experience established in the most significant open world the series has actually seen.

Then again, perhaps Ubisoft is gon na transform around at the last minute and unveil a new Rayman video game.

At the time of writing all I can see is the background coming together, with a shadowy figure in the foreground… but I dunno, those rolling green hills and accompanying music just give me a God of War style vibe that suggests some kind of Nordic adventure is on the way. Take a look at the stream and judge for yourself, though.

Given the speed at which this painting is coming together, I would imagine that we won’t be seeing the full reveal for a few hours yet. Still, do be sure to keep your eyes on it throughout the day, as it seems pretty obvious that this is culminating in the reveal we’ve all been hoping for.

Then again, maybe Ubisoft is gonna turn around at the last minute and unveil a new Rayman game. I’d… be okay with that, to be honest.


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