Xbox Series X Startup Sound Is Giving Us Major PlayStation 2 Vibes


Microsoft is all set to finally unveil a first look at Xbox Series X gameplay tomorrow, May 7th. The special livestreamed event will play host to a number of third-party reveals and deep dives, including a closer look at and a few other surprises along the way.

Ahead of that exciting broadcast, Microsoft quietly put out a teaser video that gives us our first taste of the next-gen console’s startup sound. I don’t know about you, but I’ve always felt the sound a console makes when it boots up is super important. It’s the first sound you hear when you plonk yourself down on the sofa to play a new game, after all. It’s the first thing you hear before an all-night gaming session with mates. It should leave an impression, is what I’m saying.

For my money, the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One startup sounds were pretty disappointing. Especially compared to the likes of the PlayStation 2 and Xbox 360. The good news is that Xbox Series X startup sequence has absolutely it. It somehow manages to be beautifully nostalgic despite having not even released yet. Listen to it below, or via this link.

It’s important to note that Microsoft doesn’t seem to have officially confirmed this as the startup sound just yet, but the closed captions refer to it as “New Xbox Sound”. That’s good enough for me, frankly. Besides, it just like a console booting up, doesn’t it? If this isn’t the actual startup noise, Microsoft has seriously screwed the pooch.

A quick glance at the YouTube comments also show that people are really vibing with it. “This start up sequence just cradled me in its arms and told me that everything’s gonna be okay,” wrote one user. Another described it as “late 90’s Windows nostalgia”.

“I just felt myself slowly ascend into the soft clouds with that startup sound”, another user added. That might be my favourite comment of the bunch, to be honest.

Personally, I’m getting major PlayStation 2 vibes from it. That’s not to say I’m accusing Microsoft of ripping anyone off, that’s just the it evokes in me. It’s the long, drawn-out note that sort of… drifts from the speakers into your ears. That “swoosh” that blows in towards the end. It’s that same futuristic, yet oddly comforting, noise that I always loved to hear come from my PS2.

At least, that’s my take on it. We’d love to hear what you think about the Xbox Series X startup sound on Facebook and Twitter.


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