Here's Our First Look At 'Dragon Age 4' For Next-Gen Consoles


There wasn’t an awful lot for long-suffering Dragon Age fans to get excited about in last night’s EA Play stream. There was, however, the briefest of glimpses of the in-development running on next-gen consoles. And you know what? I think we’re just happy to take what we can get at this point.

The footage appeared towards the end of the show, as part of a fairly rapid-fire compilation of numerous next-gen projects (including ). You can take a look at the next-generation showreel in the video below (or via this link). It kicks off around the 45:00 mark

While we only got a wee look at a handful of fantasy environments, there’s no denying how pretty they are. You know, in a dark and twisted fairy tale kind of way. Is video maybe not your thing? Take a look at what we saw via the images below while I break it down for you, friend.

I couldn’t tell what’s going on with this tree or exactly where it is, but it seems to be located in a snowy forest. Note the jars that surround it. Why are they there? I couldn’t possibly say. I’m clearly not much help here, am I?

We also saw a ruined castle that looks to have been overcome red lyrium – a dangerous crafting resource that Dragon Age fans will no doubt be familiar with. Red lyrium is a rarer version of the material, and is described in-game as far more potent and addictive. Perhaps the plot of will center around a kingdom that fell to this intoxicating substance? We’ll have to wait and see.

That… really was all we got. But hey, it’s better than nothing. EA and developer BioWare first announced back in 2018, but they’ve always been pretty clear that we shouldn’t expect to see it for a long while yet. Hopefully it’ll be worth the wait.

Considering both and fell flat, the pressure is very much on for BioWare to come out swinging with an RPG that reminds us why the studio is one of the best at what it does when it’s firing on all cylinders. I sincerely hope is the game to do that, and not just because it’s been over half a decade since the last game in the epic fantasy series.


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