Razer Will Start Making Surgical Masks To Help Fight Coronavirus
Gaming hardware manufacturer Razer has announced that it’s stepping up and joining the fight against the ongoing COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. The company has pledged to manufacturer and donate up to a million surgical masks around the world to health authorities working to get on top of the virus.
This is a bit of a change in pace for a company which last year announced genuine plans to create a branded Razer toaster, but everything has gone sort of topsy-turvy in the last month, hasn’t it? In a Twitter thread shared earlier today, Razer CEO Min-Liang Tan announced that a number of the company’s manufacturing lines would be re-purposed in order to create and distribute much-needed masks.
Many of the company’s designers and engineers have been working 24-hour shifts to make this a reality. Razer will be working with medical authorities and governments in any country where the company has a presence, and will be making sure those most in need of the surgical masks are sorted out.
“So I haven’t had much sleep over the past couple of days to get this initiative up and running,” Min-Liang Tan explained. “But I’m happy to be able to announce this on behalf of the team here at Razer. With the worsening of the COVID-19 situation, health authorities worldwide are facing an extreme shortage of surgical masks used by the frontline healthcare staff in the battle against the virus. Some countries have even banned the export of masks in face of the dire shortage.”
“While there has been incredible demand for our products during this time with many staying home to avoid the crowds (and to play games), the team understands that all of us have a part to play in fighting the virus – no matter which industry we come from.”

While we have no idea what these masks will look like, some have joked that they’ll come in black, with Razer’s signature green logo on top and LED lighting. While that would be amazing – and give us some much-needed levity in the middle of all this – I imagine they’ll just be bog-standard surgical masks. But who’s complaining? These are vital tools that medical professionals and authorities across the globe desperately need right now.
One thing’s for sure: Min-Liang Tan has set an incredible example here. I sincerely hope other companies follow suit and do whatever they can to help battle and contain coronavirus outbreaks around the world.