RAF Veteran Pays To Replace Seven-Year-Old's Nintendo Switch After Burglary

A mum who works for the NHS has been overwhelmed by the kindness of strangers after burglars broke into her house and stole her son’s Nintendo Switch, as well as his birthday money.

While Trudii Isherwood and her family slept on Saturday night, thieves managed to get into the house that she shares with her two children and stole her seven-year-old son’s prized games console, his £30 birthday money, and her work laptop.

After appealing for any information on her Twitter page, as well as on a Facebook group in her local area in East Anglia, kind-hearted members of the public stepped in to help her out.

In particular, Shaun Watchorn, a Royal Air Force veteran living thousands of miles away in Saudi Arabia. He reached out and offered to buy Max a brand-new Switch, before then donating £225 from his own pocket to a GoFundMe page set up by Trudii’s friend, Lou.

RAF Veteran Pays To Replace Seven-Year-Old's Nintendo Switch After Burglary
Trudii was blown away by the public's support after the burglary. Credit: Twitter

Trudii told Therednow: “I couldn’t process it [the burglary] – I actually accused the kids of hiding the console. There was no mess, the TV and PC and phones were still there.

“It took a while before we actually were able to process that we’d been burgled. I sent a Facebook message round to my local community page and it spiralled from there.”

It did, indeed, spiral.

RAF Veteran Pays To Replace Seven-Year-Old's Nintendo Switch After Burglary
This letter was posted through the door. Credit: Twitter/Trudii Isherwood

Just over a day after her friend set up the fundraising page, they’d raised the money they needed. More than enough to repair Max’s – and the family’s – losses.

Trudii continued: “I was genuinely humbled, I don’t think I knew the meaning of the word before. It was Mother’s Day too – the kids had laid a treasure hunt for me to find my gift and we noticed the missing stuff halfway through.”

As for Shaun’s involvement, she continued: “Out of the blue, he offered to put an order in at a local Argos and the friend who’d started the Go Fund Me directed him to that.

“She’d set it at £300 and at the time there was £75, and he topped it up to the £300.

“I have thanked him, the kids made him a card and he sent us a video message too.

“I should also say that a chap in Essex sent Max a £30 Amazon Voucher – again someone we didn’t know – and someone put £30 through the door anonymously to replace the money.”

RAF Veteran Pays To Replace Seven-Year-Old's Nintendo Switch After Burglary
The GoFundMe page will pay for the family's loss. Credit: GoFundMe/Trudii Isherwood

Despite everything that is going on in the world whilst horrible to begin with – this has restored Trudii’s faith in humanity. As an NHS employee, she could use it at this time.

She added: “This crisis [the COVID-19 outbreak] is bringing out the best and the worst in folk.

“Burglary is horrid anyway but, at a time we are supposed to be pulling together, I was quite shaky yesterday.

“I felt I needed to clean and must have checked the doors ten times last night. You feel violated, the thought that someone was in our house when me and the kids were sleeping is so so horrible.”

“This has restored my faith in humanity, and for the kids, too. They were shaken in a different way and the outpouring of kindness was amazing.”

As for Shaun, this is sort of his thing.

RAF Veteran Pays To Replace Seven-Year-Old's Nintendo Switch After Burglary
Shaun is an RAF veteran living in Saudi Arabia. Credit: Twitter/Shaun Watchorn

He told Therednow that he has recently donated £1,000 to a young motorcyclist wanting to advance her career, as well as several other significant donations to people who need it.

In fact, Shaun reckons that he donates roughly five percent of his salary each year, which is decent going.

Explaining why he thinks it’s important, he said: “I’m quite a lucky person, I’m fortunate in life. I love to help people, and I’ve got all I need in life.

“When I see individuals that I can help in a small way, it’s more than money. It’s really to give something back and reignite their belief in human nature.

“If something really negative has happened to somebody, I like to make them understand that humanity is OK, there are good people, and it’s worth believing in people.

“Particularly in today’s climate, Trudii works in the health service, her husband Peter is a veteran, and nobody deserves to be robbed.

“For a young boy and his sibling to lose something overnight through no fault of their own, it’s terrible.”

He concluded: “To sum up in a nutshell, I do what I do to give people belief and so that people understand that there is good in the world.”


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