Aldi's Spa Pool Available To Order Online From Sunday

Aldi has once again saved the day, having announced it will be selling its Spa Pool again this year from Sunday 29 March.

While I’m sure we’ve all heard the latest government advice on staying home unless absolutely necessary, the prospect of being stuck at home for the start of the summer isn’t exactly thrilling.

As luck would have it, it rained every single day in the lead up to the Covid-19 pandemic, and then as soon as it was compulsory to stay at home, the weather decided to be absolutely glorious. Well, you can make the best of a bad situation now.

Aldi's Spa Pool Available To Order Online From Sunday
The perfect way to social distance – with members of your own household of course. Credit: Aldi

Official recommendations state that you shouldn’t leave your house unless for essentials (I think you’d be pushing it to term this an ‘essential’), so lucky for us, you can get the Spa Pool delivered directly to your front door.

It looks like you’ll to be spending a lot more time at home over the coming months than you’d have once expected, so although it costs £349.99 ($409) – think about that sweet cost per use.

And that’s not all – if you really want to go all out, you can create quite the spa experience in your own back yard.

To go with the Spa Pool, you may as well get the accessories to go with it. The shop is selling an LED PureSpa Light, which costs £12.99 ($15), which lets you ‘set the atmosphere and create the perfect mood’ with five different colours.

And to complete the whole set up, you’re obviously going to need somewhere to rest your bevvy. Luckily – Aldi is also selling a drinks holder to go in the pool for just a fiver.

Aldi's Spa Pool Available To Order Online From Sunday
Drink in moderation please LADs. Credit: Aldi

Now – we’re not encouraging you to drink through these times, but seeing as afternoon bevs are now a bit more socially acceptable, you may as well have a drinks holder.

And if you are going to run out to stock up on alcohol – no stock-piling please – think about your local independent pubs, bars and breweries first.

Many have leftover stock that they need to get rid of and you never know, your extra few quid might make all the difference to one of the industries most affected by the pandemic – and let’s be honest, where’s the place we’re all heading to first when all this is over?


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