Woman Staves Off Isolation Boredom By Pretending To Flash Celebs
With the UK in lockdown, some people have been coming up with bizarre ways to keep themselves amused – some have resorted to trying their hand at DIY hairdressing, others have decided it’s the perfect time to ask all their ex-partners what went wrong, and one woman has decided to use her smart TV to make it look like she’s flashing people.

Say what you like about us Brits, but we are inventive.
Alison Cressey decided to create the funny images as a way to stave off her isolation boredom and was shocked when they went viral.
Among those Alison ‘flashed’ were the Queen, José Mourinho and that fella who had an memorably shocked reaction while watching and ended up becoming a meme.

She came up with the gag when she was walking around her lounge in a towel after having a shower; she joked to her partner that it was a ‘good job’ the people on the screen couldn’t see her and that was when the idea struck her.
Alison, of Hull, who lives with her partner, said: “We realised we had a smart television so looked up some shocked face memes.
“We then got them on the screen – and I flashed them!

“We posted it on my private Facebook page for a laugh. But then my friend in Spain asked me to change the settings so she could share it.
“Now it’s gone ballistic. If I had known it was going to do that I would have done my hair!”
The post has since been shared more than 82,000 times, while racking up 16,000 likes and 20,000 comments.
Alison added: “It really was off the cuff. We are quite good fun – we are game for a laugh. It’s just gone berserk.

“But even though it’s all doom and gloom at the moment, I haven’t had any nastiness [in the comments].
“People have been nice and complimentary. Some have even messaged me to say that it made their day.
“It’s just been a bit of fun.”