'Resident Evil 3' Tips And Tricks For Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse

Every zombie-slaying pro has to start somewhere. And every fresh-faced survivor needs to know the basics on how to make it through their first night in hell. Thankfully, we here at GAMINGbible are dab-hands at dodging coffin dodgers in , and would like to impart some wisdom that we’ve tried and tested on the mean streets of Raccoon City.

While some of these hints and tips might seem a little obvious to some, remember that in the heat of battle with the undead, they can make the difference between life and death. Or un-death, depending on your philosophies. Anyway, here we go.

'Resident Evil 3' Tips And Tricks For Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse
Resident Evil 3/ Credit: Capcom

Check Every Corner

Nothing sucks more than blindly stumbling into a room with tunnel-vision and getting chomped on by an undead peeping tom hiding behind the door. Remember: zombies don’t like being shot in the head, so they’re not going to make it easy for you to get a clean run at them. Instead, make sure that when you’re entering a new area you know exactly where every shambling hunk of meat is, and more importantly, what your route through them is to safety.

This also counts for making sure you scoop up every helpful item hidden around ‘s beautiful, if a little cluttered, locales. You can easily overlook healing items, notes and ammo but more importantly things like weapons upgrades or even weapons themselves!

'Resident Evil 3' Tips And Tricks For Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse
Resident Evil 3 / Credit: Capcom

Don’t Kill Zombies If You Can Avoid Them

It’s a bit of a no-brainer (thank you) but you should be doing your best to avoid enemies wherever possible. Much like in , a single shot to the head is rarely enough to kill a zombie outright, so once you start coming up against a couple of the blighters at the same time, it’s a much better idea to turn tail and run. You can also make use of Jill’s handy new evasion move to dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge your way through the corpses to relative safety.

There’s the added bonus of conserving ammo for when you need it. Enemies like the Hunters will demand your attention, and it’s often easier to kill them quickly rather than running away. That’s without even mentioning Nemesis, who will eat up your bullets like a hangry toddler in a biscuit tin.

Pay Attention To Your Map

It’s all too easy to forget that there even is a map sometimes, let alone to check it regularly. But it’s well worth getting the lay of the land every time you enter a new room. If you see maps for areas hanging about, be sure to grab them to get an instant update of every nook and cranny in the immediate vicinity. Those on the hunt for items need to remember that if a room is red on the map, it means there’s still some things left to pick up. Once you’ve done a sweep and it turns blue, you’ll know you’ve got everything useful.

Another thing to remember is that once you’ve been in a room, any items you see but don’t pick up will show on your map. This is handy for when you’ve been too busy, y’know, fighting the undead hordes to stop and look around for a red herb, or if you’re simply carrying too much important stuff right now thank you very much I’ll come back later.

'Resident Evil 3' Tips And Tricks For Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse
Resident Evil 3/ Credit: Capcom

Keep Your Ears To The Ground

“Did you hear that?” utters every person from a horror film who’s about to meet a grisly and untimely death. But they’re the real ones out here asking questions, because sound is a huge part of what makes Resident Evil games so utterly terrifying. Much like checking every corner, it’s vital to keep your ears pinned back for the undead when entering new locations.

There are occasions, especially later in the game, where it will pay to be a slave to the sound when entering new areas. Remember: a dimly lit room is a zombie’s natural habitat, and should be treated with extreme caution when entering. I made that up, but it should probably be a universally available public service announcement. The people need to know!

Use Quick Turns To Your Advantage

Did you know that Jill and Carlos have a nifty quick turn ability in their arsenal? Because I totally forgot. I guess being constantly hunted by a hulking, undead bioweapon will cause you to misplace that piece of information from time to time. Tapping the circle button (or your platform equivalent) will cause your character to perform a sick 180 away from the haters that might be blocking your path. It’s much easier to get some distance and bide your time instead of rushing headfirst into a situation that’s going to get you killed, or worse, expelled. Wait, wrong franchise.

Even if you’re surrounded, it’s a useful tool to get a visual idea of what’s happening behind you and plot out a fight or flight scenario. Coupling a quick turn with a well-timed dodge can also rapidly turn the odds in your favour if you’re smart about it. This also counts when Nemesis has you running into a dead end. Keep an ear out for him behind you to get a rough aural perception of his location, hit a quick turn and cha cha real smooth past him, leaving him in the dust like the chump he is.

'Resident Evil 3' Tips And Tricks For Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse
Resident Evil 3/ Credit: Capcom

Hopefully these few little nuggets of information will make your journey through Raccoon City that much more enjoyable. This is not a game that you can simply blast your way through, especially on standard difficulty and above. You will get bruised, you will get battered and you will most likely get bitten – but now, at least you’ll look like you know what you’re doing while it happens. And really, isn’t that all any of us can hope for?


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