'Call Of Duty: Warzone' Player Single-Handedly Wipes Out Four Squads To Win

I’m really enjoying at the moment. Maybe it’s because every now and again I get a real craving to dive into a battle royale. Or maybe it’s because I miss my friends and this is as good a way as any to stay in touch. Have you tried sharing your fears and concerns about the current crisis while dropping into Boneyard and eliminating enemy teams together? It’s one hell of a bonding exercise.

Yes, I’m having a blast with … but I’m also awful at it. Like, my teammates must be breaking their backs from carrying me every single match, that’s how bad I am. Put me face to face with one opponent and I might come out on top if I’ve got a better gun or I’ve gotten the drop on ’em. Put me in a situation where I’m expected to out-play a full squad of three on my own? You might as well end the game now because I’ll be dead quicker than you can say Gulag.

'Call Of Duty: Warzone' Player Single-Handedly Wipes Out Four Squads To Win
Credit: Activision

My point, I think, is that even the best teams can struggle to win a game of if they aren’t heading into the final stretch of a round with a full squad. At this crucial point in the game, strength very much lies in numbers… or at least so I thought. Then I watched Reddit user aleramz take out four squads to bag the win, completely . Now I don’t know if I should ever both playing again.

Take a look at the incredible clip for yourself below. With an incredibly tight final circle and gas all around, aleramz was able to keep a cool head and wipe out eight players in a genuinely unbelievable display of skill. It’s the way they absolute the last three players to take the victory that really made my jaw drop.

Just the other night, my teammate tried to go for the win solo… and ended up breaking his legs instead of taking out the last surviving player. aleramz really helps to put that stinging loss into perspective. They’ve certainly inspired me to play harder and try and be better… or maybe I’ll just add the grenade launcher to my loadout. That thing looks in the right hands.


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