Gamers Gift 'Final Fantasy VII' Remake To Those Affected By Pandemic
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has hit many of us hard. Aside from having restricted access to the outside world, many have lost jobs or are struggling financially due to these restrictions. True empathy seems to be in short supply on the internet these days but one gamer decided to take some positive action and offer a free copy of to someone who has been hit hard by the recent crisis (thanks, VG24/7).
Reddit user Frumpybuffalo took to Reddit with the following post. “I will facilitate the purchase of a digital copy of the standard edition for someone who is in need and cannot do it themselves because of this situation. Please comment here (or send me a message if you wish to remain anonymous) with your story and I will choose someone via random number generator by the end of the day on Sunday, 4/5.”
As you can imagine, the post soon gained traction and had a lot of people replying with their own personal experiences, while others just wanted to comment to show their support for the whole idea. And eight other Reddit users joined in with the idea, pledging to send free copies of the game, making a total of ten copies of to give away. Once the winners were drawn – which seems to have happened yesterday – the funds would be transferred via PayPal or through a PSN Card for the winner’s region.

Not all commenters were after for themselves either. “I actually don’t want it for me. I have a mechanic friend whom is saving up to go to college and he doesn’t have a lot of money,” one of the winner’s said, “I recently replaced my PS4 with a PS4 pro and gave him my old PS4 – with the intention of him getting to play FF7R. Before the crisis hit he had enough money for the remake and now he does not. He’s come so close to playing the remake of his favorite game and unfortunately I cant help him any more either.”
It’s so nice to see this kind of thing and it’s something I wish we could have more of. I mean, clearly a copy of – or any other game, for that matter – isn’t going to get rid of anyone’s financial troubles or health worries. But just having that little bit of escape or something to look forward to can make all the difference to someone’s well-being – it’s so easy to take things for granted until you can no longer afford them.