Dog Steals Owner's Sex Toy And Uses It As A Chew Toy
A dog owner was lost for words after spotting her four-legged pal cuddled up on the couch with her sex toy.
Halle Papson, from Jacksonville in Florida, said she walked into her living room to find her dog Dammit Bobby (yep, that’s his name) had used the dildo as a chew toy, before cuddling up to it and having a little lie down.

Twenty-four-year old Halle said she and her husband James must have left the sex toy out on the bed, but didn’t think the dog would pop in and nick it – much less use it as a chew toy.
Halle explained that her adopted pooch loves chew toys and it had been a few weeks since she’d treated him to one, so this was maybe his way of letting her know.
After laughing at finding Dammit Bobby in such an unusual predicament, she then tried to get the toy off him, but he was having none of it and ran off with the toy in his mouth.
Halle, a professional poker player: “I got out of the shower and went into the living room to see Dammit Bobby chewing on something on the couch.
“Then I realised exactly what it was. He had stolen the toy from my bedroom and had it between his paws, going to town.

“He just froze and stared at me. I screamed for my husband to come in because I was dying of laughter.
“He brought his phone and took some photos, but then when we tried to get if off him he quickly clenched it tighter and began running around the house with it.
“We finally got it back from him and it was all chewed up. It went straight into the trash.”
She added: “He seemed quite proud of his crime, although he was definitely acting guilty.
“He thought he had hit the jackpot finding a new chew toy in our bedroom.

“Dammit Bobby used to be an underwear snatcher, but only when he was a puppy. This is a whole new level for him.”
Halle said Dammit Bobby – a Boston Terrier/Spitz cross – has since been bought a new dog-friendly toy.
She said: “After this we immediately went out and got him a new chew toy.
“It was hilarious and something we will never forget. But I’ll be sure to hide any naughty toys from him in the future.”