'No Man's Sky' Has Giant Mechs Now And They're Legit Cool

Few games have undergone transformations in the same way as . From one of the most controversial and disappointing releases of all time to a thriving, constantly-growing effort with a dedicated and passionate community, the journey developer Hello Games has taken the outer space exploration sim on is truly astounding. You really do love to see it.

In fact, every time I think Hello Games can’t add anymore cool features to the game, it goes and proves me wrong. I was happy enough with an infinite universe, multiplayer, base building, quests, freighters, and land/sea vehicles – but now we’re getting on top of all that? Wow. Seriously… wow.

'No Man's Sky' Has Giant Mechs Now And They're Legit Cool
Credit: Hello Games

Released as part of an entirely surprising new (and free) patch for , the Exo Mech Update might just be the best thing that’s been added to the game yet. I mean, they’re giant robot suits that you can stomp around in. What isn’t to love about that? Sure you can already get around via spaceship, submarine, hoverbike, land rover, and living ships, but I’ll sack all of that off in a second for my own robo buddy.

They’re not just cool, though – they’re . The exo mech suits can walk, jump, and even fly thanks to some hefty built-in jetpacks. They can also mine for precious resources while you’re inside them, nice and safe from any environmental hazards or hostile alien nasties that might be waiting to devour you. I love them, and you should too.

“The Minotaur Exocraft is a unique new exocraft / suit hybrid and introduces a different way to explore planets,” Hello Games said in an email. “This mechanical walker shields its pilot against hostile environments, providing immunity against hazards such as radioactivity and extreme temperatures. Its defining feature, though, is the freedom of movement it brings to exploration. The Minotaur’s powerful jetpack allows it to soar powerfully through the air, and land on terrain with a satisfying slide.”

'No Man's Sky' Has Giant Mechs Now And They're Legit Cool
Credit: Hello Games

The Exo Mech Update is available to download on all platforms right now alongside a number of other tweaks and improvements to the game. I’m honestly not sure where Hello Games can go from here guys. After you’ve released giant mech suits, where you go?

If this really is the pinnacle of , then it’s one hell of a high… but I still can’t wait to see what the studio brings us next.


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