The PS5 Controller Has Already Spawned A Ton Of Memes

Last night Sony unveiled the brand new PlayStation 5 controller, AKA the DualSense. Admittedly it’s quite a departure from the PlayStation controllers we’ve been used to for the last twenty or so years, but who can blame Sony for wanting to change up the design after so long?

Of course, the internet will do what the internet always does anytime something big is announced… and so it is that there are already a ton of memes poking fun at the DualSense controller for its appearance. I don’t think that many people hate it (it looks fine, after all), but there are some obvious jokes that kind of needed to be made.

Let’s start with those that pointed out the fact that the DualSense looks an awful lot like an Xbox controller. I don’t really see it myself, but clearly I’m missing something because a of people agree that it does.

Then there are the inevitable movie comparisons. The DualSense does look a bit science fiction, to be fair. Hell, even the name of the thing sounds like the title of a critically-acclaimed Netflix series that combines sci-fi with gritty realism.

And then there are just the downright weird reactions to the new controller…

What are your thoughts on the new DualSense controller? We’d love to hear your take on the new kit over on Facebook or Twitter. And if you’re really feeling let down by it, don’t worry – plenty of fans have already come up with mockups that vastly improve the look of the controller with just a few simple tweaks.


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