A Landlord Is Giving Free Pints To People Who Stay In During Lockdown
The landlord of a pub in Buckinghamshire is delivering free pints to residents who stay home during lockdown.
Despite his pub The Watermead Inn being closed during what would have been one of the busiest times of the year, Kelvin Wong hasn’t let it stop him pulling pints and has been out filling people’s glasses with the amber nectar.
Anyone who fancies a cold one just has to leave a couple of glasses outside – the required two metres from their front door, of course – and he will pop round and fill them up.
Speaking to the Bucks Herald about his kind gesture, Kelvin said: “Normally, most people would have been in the pub on Sunday with the first warm weekend of the year.
“And usually, that means I would be rubbing my hands!

“But, unfortunately, not this year. However, as a show of appreciation for everyone all staying home to help save lives and protect our frontline staff – I wanted to bring the pub to them!”
If you’re worried about the barkeep spreading the virus, he has assured residents that he and his team all wear protective gloves and masks and ‘no contact’ is made with the glasses.
Since making his offer, he’s been hard at it, delivering a massive 600 pints on Tuesday alone.
He told the publication that it was a nice excuse to dust down his old trailer and get out into the community.
Kelvin said: “I run the Watermead Inn and Miya in Aylesbury, and we have a lot of tap barrels sitting about that can’t be returned and the insurance company won’t help us either, so it would be a shame for it to go to waste. I wanted to give it to the community in Watermead.”

Two happy customers who received one of his alcoholic deliveries posted a photograph of themselves enjoying a tipple in their garden.
They wrote: “Maybe this lockdown business isn’t so bad after all, when you have the best local pub in Aylesbury on your doorstep! Thank you Kelvin Wong and his wonderful team of helpers, you’ve brightened up our day.”
But Kelvin and his team aren’t content with just pulling pints for punters, they’ve also offered to help out with the chores that some people might not be able to do themselves.
They say they will come out and cut people’s grass, take their dogs out for a walk, go shopping, or even paint their fences – and it won’t cost a penny.
Way to go, Kelvin! That’s customer service for you.