There Have Been 39 BT Engineers Attacked Over 5G Coronavirus Conspiracy
There have been 39 BT engineers that have been verbally or physically assaulted by 5G conspiracy theorists linking the new technology to coronavirus.
The company’s chief executive, Philip Jansen, has spoken out about what’s been going on in a bid to protect his staff and prevent ‘misinformation’.

Mr Jansen, who is currently recovering from mild symptoms of Covid-19 himself, wrote a column in the Mail on Sunday explaining how some members of staff have been mistreated, including some that have been threatened with death.
Speaking about the targeted engineers, he said: “These are government-designated key workers, out – with no small risk to their own health – to ensure that broadband and mobile networks keep working.
“Without these engineers fixing faults, adding capacity, and installing new lines, people lose their connection.
“Now, more than ever, that connection is vital. Whether that’s for home-schooling, working from home, or ordering food online, losing that connection is unthinkable to millions.”
Attempting to explain how serious the assaults are, he went on: “Everything about this is senseless. There’s no thought for the validity of the theories – many openly contradict themselves; all ignore the very basic principles of science.”
He concluded: “For me the most immediate concern is that my team – the brave, skilled engineers who are working to maintain vital communications networks – are being confronted, abused and sometimes attacked in the street.
“These people are performing a vital service for the country; we should be thanking them, not harming them. This is my team and I will not tolerate them being targeted in this disgraceful way by a few mindless idiots.
“We all need to be able to recognise conspiracy theories, and to stop them before they become harmful. They are just like a virus – if we starve them of the ability to reach new people, they will die out, and we can all focus on coming together as one nation to get through these most challenging of times.”