South Australia, ACT And The NT Record Zero Coronavirus Cases For 48 Hours

Three jurisdictions in Australia have recorded zero coronavirus cases over the weekend.

South Australia, the Northern Territory and the ACT have all come back with no additional Covid-19 infections, thanks to a massive testing regime.

It’s a big advancement towards eradicating the virus from Australia.

South Australia increased by one patient on Friday, to bring the state’s total to 435. The NT stands at 28 cases and no deaths, while the ACT has 103 cases across the territory, however it hasn’t had an increase in six days, according to the Daily Mail.

South Australia, ACT And The NT Record Zero Coronavirus Cases For 48 Hours
Australia's cases of coronavirus. Credit: Bing

This news is causing some to ask when we could potentially see social distancing rules relaxed.

South Australia’s Health Minister Stephen Wade warned the locked down border probably won’t open in the near future.

Speaking on ABC Radio, Mr Wade said: “The border control will not be the first wave of restrictions eased. We’re going to be very cautious as we ease back on these restrictions.”

In a separate press conference, the SA Health Minister encouragingly said his state was on track to eliminate the virus in a few weeks.

“This is the third week where we have zero or single digit cases each day, but that should not be a seed for complacency – that should spur us on for even further efforts,” he said.

South Australia, ACT And The NT Record Zero Coronavirus Cases For 48 Hours
Credit: PA

“We’ve got to this point through social distancing and border control. There is the chance that people will get slack. Over the next two to four weeks, I would very much encourage the public to hold the course.

“We will all stand to benefit at the end of this.”

The state has the highest rate of testing per capita, with more than 40,000 tests being done over the past few weeks.

The Northern Territory also isn’t taking any chances at the moment and has instructed its residents that rules will stay in place for the time being.

NT Health Minister Natasha Fyles said: “The Northern Territory is in a unique position, it’s one of the safest places in the world – we want to keep it that way.”

Queensland has reached a milestone, with the Sunshine State recording no new cases overnight.

New South Wales and Victoria continue to see jumps in the number of cases, with the two states recording the highest number of infections in Australia.

Australia has 6,606 cases across the country.


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