Infinity Ward Found Way To Troll 'Warzone' Players Over The Weekend
It seems that the long-awaited two-player Duos mode has finally hit . But before you get too excited and go rushing off to fire up your console, the mode is only currently available for Plunder and not the Battle Royale.
The mode was added on Friday (thanks, VG24/7), as part of the update that brought back the original Trios mode and kicked off the Double XP weekend. Plunder Duos has apparently replaced Plunder Quads and while I’m sure many players want to see the two-player mode moved across to the Battle Royale, the possibility of it happening is at least looking a lot more promising.
Players don’t seem to be overly impressed though. Not only has two-player Duos been added to Plunder instead of Battle Royale, but it’s also removing another mode entirely (again).
Ever since the release of , players have been keen for Infinity Ward to offer more modes to allow for different squad sizes and it seems that the developers have taken this idea and run with it. I mean, keeping up with the comings and goings of all the modes is honestly an achievement in and of itself.
Infinity Ward has been busy adding and removing modes and squad sizes since launched in March. Three-player Trios was the most recent casualty earlier this month and made way for a four-player Quads option. Trios was then added back as Scopes and Scatter Guns early last week but after a backlash, the original mode was re-added on Friday.
So, two-player Duos is currently available for but only in the Plunder game mode. For those of you who want two-player teams in the Battle Royale, take comfort that it’s at least a step in the right direction – Duos is now in the game so it’s likely only a matter of time before it gets moved across to the Battle Royale.