Auto Mechanics Shocked As Peacocks Invade Their MOT Garage


Each night, the birds head back to their owner, a man called Paul Lewis that lives in the town of Sholden, a suitable mile-and-a-half away.

“Clipping them makes them at risk and while they do not have an extremely safe pen, I would instead not allow them be cooped up.

“I hope they continue to bring pleasure.

The apprentice even ran out of the shop screaming upon being confronted by the surprise visitors.

The four peacocks are called Blanche, Gulliver, Prince and Victor, and they broke out of their home about 1.5 miles from the garage and took a liking to the shop.

Mechanics Shocked As Peacocks Invade Their MOT Garage
Credit: SWNS

So, they thought they’d hang about for a bit.

Neil Ewbank, the owner of the shop – which is only open for emergencies due to the coronavirus lockdown – said that he’s actually fine with the birds hanging about, although there have been a few ‘accidents’.

He explained: “We turned up for work as normal and there were these peacocks walking around the estate which I thought was a bit odd.

“My apprentice was working away on a car and all of a sudden he looked up and saw four peacocks standing there staring at him and he ran out screaming.”

Mechanics Shocked As Peacocks Invade Their MOT Garage
Credit: SWNS

“By the time we got them to leave through one door, they were walking through another.

“Then one of the lads heard a tip tap on the stairs and they had got inside the office so we pursued them and found them sitting on the chairs.

“They perched on top of one of the TVs and we were worried for a moment it was going to come down.

“Once I got over the initial shock of seeing four great big birds in the office, it was pretty entertaining.”

The large avian guests even managed to make their way upstairs, where they roamed around the offices.

Mechanics Shocked As Peacocks Invade Their MOT Garage
Credit: SWNS

Neil continued: “The garage doors were open so they must have just wandered in. They’ve been in all day.

“They seem to like the MOT ramp. They have also been sitting on the concrete, I think it’s nice and cool for them.

“There’s been a few accidents here and there but they’re pretty cooperative.”

One customer, Brian Conway, was as surprised as everyone else when his emergency car repairs took place in a makeshift birdhouse.

He said: “They’re pretty friendly but if you get a bit too close, they start flapping.”

Each night, the birds head back to their owner, a man called Paul Lewis who lives in the village of Sholden, a decent mile-and-a-half away.

Mechanics Shocked As Peacocks Invade Their MOT Garage
Credit: SWNS

Paul said: “I decided not to clip their wings as this limits their ability to escape to trees, mainly from foxes.

“Clipping them makes them vulnerable and while they do not have a very secure pen, I would rather not let them be cooped up.

“As I understand it they haven’t been a nuisance and bringing joy to people which makes me very happy.

“The white one is called Blanche, the others Gulliver, Prince and Victor.

“I hope they continue to bring joy. They are very tame and non-aggressive. They love fruit and veg, kitchen scraps and seeds.”

Well, no harm, no fowl.


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