Original 'Resident Evil' Remade In 'Resident Evil 4' Engine Looks Incredible


Yes, the initial game in the collection was reprise for GameCube back in 2002 and has subsequently been remastered in HD and also ported to every console under the sunlight.

As detected by PCGamesN, modder Mr. Curious has actually reconstructed the initial video game’s renowned Spencer Mansion in’s engine.

While I would never want to toss color at the original game, which continues to be an outright standard, I’ve never ever truly been able to get on with the “storage tank” controls that are famous in the initial few titles in the series.

As spotted by PCGamesN, modder Mr. Curious has rebuilt the original game’s iconic Spencer Mansion in ‘s engine. That means a version of that looks and plays like . This is essentially all I’ve ever wanted from the franchise since 2005, and I’m so here for it. Check out a good chunk of the game in action above, courtesy of YouTuber Residence of Evil.

While I would never want to throw shade at the original game, which remains an absolute classic, I’ve never really been able to get on with the “tank” controls that are prominent in the first few titles in the series. was such a revelation for me for this exact reason, bringing that same sense of horror and tight level design, while combining it with gameplay that didn’t make me want to punch a hole through my TV.

Mr. Curious has delivered what looks to be a product that should satisfy purists and bring in anyone who’s been put off by the original control scheme for so long. Classic puzzles and zombie action combined with modern touches like over-the-shoulder gameplay and weapons that can be upgraded? It’s all very much up my street.

It’s unclear when exactly – if ever – other fans might be able to get their hands on this one, but the substantial playable build in the video above proves that it’s coming along beautifully. Maybe Capcom can just hire Mr. Curious and make this official, because I’d 100% take this over the remake.


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