Police Officer Uses Mating Call To Lure Escaped Peacock Back To Zoo


A police officer managed to lure an escaped peacock back to the zoo by playing out a mating call on his phone.

It seems like such a simple idea, but it’s a piece of real quick thinking from the officer.

The peacocks, much like the rest of us, are getting a bit sick of being isolated from the world at large. As it happens, this one just wanted to get out so he could search for love.

The peacock, which usually roams free around the wildlife park, is now back safely in his home and everyone’s happy.

Here’s how it all went down.

Some officers were out on the beat in the Roxbury area of Boston when they were approached by a member of the public who told them that there could be an escaped animal on the loose.

Luckily, it wasn’t a lion, or some sort of massive predator, but when they found out what was going on, they ‘were met by an extremely large, slightly intimidating, and quite beautiful, male peacock,’ according to the Boston Police Department.

The peacock in question is called Snowbank and is one of the four peacocks that strut their stuff around the Franklin Park Zoo.

A zoo spokesperson said: “The peacocks at Franklin Park Zoo are free-roaming, and while they typically wander throughout the zoo, it is currently mating season, and it’s possible he ventured out looking for love in search of a peahen (female peacock).”

So, how do you wrangle back some randy peacocks, then?

Well, one of the officers had the mental fortitude to use the information he’d been given, and decided to find a peacock mating call on his phone.

He then used that recording to lure the bird to a fenced back garden before the Boston Animal Control came and took Snowbank safely home.

All’s well that ends well, right?

To be fair, he’s not the first peacock to get itchy feet of late. In fact, some took over an MOT garage in Kent recently, too.

And, in Madrid, they’ve been freely roaming the streets whilst everyone is locked down.

The spokesperson continued: “Upon learning of the peacock’s adventure, our animal care team at the Zoo worked quickly with the Boston Police Department and Animal Control to recover the peacock, and we’re happy to report he is now back at the zoo and doing well,” the spokeswoman said.

“We appreciate everyone’s help in bringing him back home, and we look forward to welcoming guests back to the zoo to see these beautiful birds in person soon.”

Snowbanks the peacock has been living at the zoo alongside his four avian chums since 2013.


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