Ubisoft Tease Big AAA Announcement From One Of Its 'Biggest Franchises'


Ubisoft has confirmed it’s planning to release five major AAA games before March 2021. We already know about , , and . However, there’s one that’s yet to be revealed – and Ubisoft has teased it’s coming from one of its biggest franchises.

This comes from the company’s latest financial report, which talks of having “the most ambitious line-up of the industry”. Certainly, it looks like Ubisoft has some bangers on the way, but I’m sure we’re all desperate to know what this unannounced title is, right?

I’m sure I can guess what we’d all for this mystery game to be: a new Splinter Cell. Unfortunately, the stealth-action franchise has been absent for so long that I really don’t think Ubisoft would refer to it as one of its “biggest franchises” anymore. I know. That bums me out too.

What else could it be? I suppose one of the more obvious answers would be Far Cry. We haven’t seen much of the first-person shooter franchise since 2019’s . We also know that Michael Mando, who played Vaas in , recently teased a return to the iconic role. A potential prequel to starring Vaas would certainly be a big hit among fans.

Personally, I’d love for it to be a new game in the Rayman series, but I’m just kidding myself. There’s the strong chance it could be a new Prince Of Persia game – especially since Ubisoft recently registered a domain name for something called “Prince Of Persia 6”. Again though, surely the prince has been gone too long to be considered a “big” franchise?

Maybe not though – the demand is clearly there. Besides, with moving further into RPG territory, Prince Of Persia could be the parkour-heavy action game that fans of early Creed could fall in love with.

We’ll have to wait and see, but with E3 season fast approaching, publishers have their own announcements, events, and streams planned in lieu of the LA show. Whatever Ubisoft is cooking, I suspect we’ll learn about it in the coming weeks. I’d quite honestly be over the moon if it was Prince Of Persia or Splinter Cell, but I do kind of wish Ubisoft would finally throw the Rayman fans out there a bone.


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