'Assassin's Creed Valhalla' Map Size Confirmed, Is Larger Than 'Odyssey'


Everything we’ve heard about so far makes it sound like it’s shaping up to be one of the larger games in the franchise yet – if not the largest. Certainly, it seems as if the viking adventure will feature a map bigger than anything we’ve seen in an Assassin’s Creed game so far.

That’s according to Ubisoft producer Julien Laferrière. In an interview with YouTuber Julien Chièze (translated thanks to Reddit), Laferrière suggested that ‘s map will be bigger than Odyssey‘s version of Ancient Greece, which was the biggest the franchise had seen to date by some way.

“I would actually say in terms of range [Valhalla] is probably a bit larger than Assassins Creed Odyssey,” said Laferrière. “I do not have the exact figures at this stage, but we have not only created the whole country, which is in this case England, but also to a good part of Norway too.”

“There are other secret worlds, which I can not speak about today, which contributed to the size of the game. It’s not a small game, it is a game which is clearly ambitious, which will offer many many hours of game”

We already knew that the map would include a chunk of Norway, which is where the Vikings depart at the start of the game. However, I’m pretty surprised and impressed to learn that we’ll be seeing of England. As far as I was aware, we knew we’d be getting most of the country – including major cities like London, York, and Winchester. That we’ll get to explore all of 9th century England is quite an exciting prospect.

But what good is a vast open world if it’s filled with nothing more than meaningless busywork? The good news is that even if ‘s world is technically the largest, it won’t be the biggest or longest game in the series. Ubisoft confirmed earlier this month that it had heard feedback regarding the way started to feel bloated after a while, and that it would work to ensure the new entry felt leaner.

Quite how will be a leaner experience in a larger open world remains to be seen… but I suspect that the new settlement-building feature should help to root the world in one location and help everything to feel a little more grounded and manageable.


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